About Us

👋 Hi there, I’m Molly! I’m the plant and nature-obsessed maker behind Canadian Succulents. 

It all started 7 years ago, when my sister Alex and I began collecting succulents. Fascinated by the bright colour variations, symmetry, and resilience of these plants, we began gathering and propagating succulents. Soon enough, Canadian Succulents was born, and served as a gratifying side-hustle that supported my post-graduate studies.  

Canadian Succulents had always been a part-time venture, but my life-long passion for entrepreneurship launched me into running the business full-time. I have spent the past 3 years dedicating my career to building a niche market at the intersection of floral design and tropical plant cultivation. As an educator at heart, I find immense joy in sharing my knowledge and expertise to spark enthusiasm for succulents among our customers. Through engaging instructional videos, in-person speaking engagements, and hands-on creative workshops, I aim to not only provide beautiful and sustainable plant products but also to foster a genuine passion for these remarkable and resilient plants.

I am so grateful for the chance to direct all my energy to creating and sharing our succulent designs with our customers, and I hope these plants bring you as much joy and warmth as they bring me.

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Contact Us

Location: Uxbridge, Ontario

Email: canadiansucculents@gmail.com

Phone: 416-464-8879

Contact Us